Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked Questions Related to online form filling for entrance exam for admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing programme January 2025 session.
1. Can I apply online for Post basic B.Sc Nursing programme offered by IGNOU?
Yes, You can apply for Post basic B.Sc Nursing programme, for details of the programme please see the Student Handbook and Prospectus of Post Basic BSc Nursing programme January 2025 admissions.
2. Is it compulsory to register myself before submitting an admission form online?
Yes, it is compulsory to register with our Online Admission System before you can submit your admission form online.
3. Is Email address compulsory to fill online application form?
Yes, you can use one E-mail address to fill online application form. All correspondence will be through this email id only.
4. If the power/internet connection fails during the application process, what should I do?
Since the data is saved at the end of every stage with the 'Save' button, your data is automatically saved till the previous stage. If you are within a particular stage and the system is interrupted due to power failure or loss of connectivity, then your current stage data will not be saved. Please log in again using your ID and password and complete the form submission process from the stage where the system got interrupted.
5. What is the detailed process for submission of online application form and action to be taken by the candidate?
The submission of admission form passes through the following stages:
Open the URL (
Complete Registration process (which creates ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’ for you)
Your ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’ is informed through SMS and email
Re-login to the system using your ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’
Fill Admission Form online
Upload your recent passport size Photograph (maximum size 100KB in JPG format)
Upload your specimen signature (maximum size 100KB in JPG format)
Read the instruction and declaration carefully by clicking the ‘Declaration’ box.
Preview your data and confirm details
Make payment of Fee through the Credit/Debit card/Net Banking
Payment confirmation message is sent to you through SMS and email
You may also go to the detailed steps present in the Student hand book and Prospectus 2024 as well as given in the link on the website.
Press Next button to see the form preview
After the final submission of online application form, download the filled in application form in pdf format, take the printout and enclose the hardcopies/photocopies of all the documents and certificates as mentioned in the student handbook and prospectus to be submitted during counseling for final admission.
The photo copies of all the documents and certificates must be self-attested.
Also you have to bring all original certificates as mentioned in the student handbook and prospectus during counseling at the time of final admission.
6. How should I pay the programme fee?
Programme fee for online Admission can be paid through credit/debit card/ net banking. Be careful while paying for the fees
Please Note
In case you pay once and form is not completed due to payment issue, please wait for 24 to 48 hours for completion of payment. Do not “Retry” the payment or pay again at this point because any extra money will not be refunded.
After 24 to 48 hours recheck your form by logging into the admission portal by using your user name and password. In case the status is still not complete, retry the payment again. The previous payment which is not completed, will be reverted to your account in 7 to 14 days.
Once payment is completed you will be able to download your complete form as a pdf after login into your account.
All communication of any sort will be made through email after completion of the admission form.
In case the payment done second time is not completed and you are not able ot generate pdf of your form , please email the transaction details including your name, programme opted, mobile number, amount paid etc. to the Student Support Centre at 011-29572513 or 011-29572514. You can email at, if required you may escalate and submit to our website your request at
7. What kinds of Credit/Debit cards are accepted for payment of the programme fee? Is there Internet banking facility is also available?
The Visa and Master Cards are accepted for making the payment of programme fee. Yes, the payment of fee can also be made through Net Banking.
8. After Payment of the application fee, what information shall I receive through email/ SMS?
You will get the confirmation of payment made by you through SMS as well as email. And once form is completed a pdf of your form will be generated and you will be able to download the same.
9. Where do I have to contact after successful submission of form?
Once the application Form is successfully submitted you will be able to download your pdf form. Keep it safe with you. You admit card will also be uploaded in the same portal or on IGNOU website. The further steps will be intimated by the University to you.
10. What is the time frame for getting confirmation of my admission?
The application form submitted by you needs to be scrutinized, verified, Entrance Test need to be conducted, Result needs to be declared, Region-wise merit list need to be drawn and Region wise counseling at respective regional centers needs to be conducted for the admission to the programme.
11. If I want to withdraw from the programme after confirmation of my admission, shall I get my fee refunded?
Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. It is also not adjustable against any other programme of this University. However, in cases where University denies admission, the programme fee will be refunded after deduction of processing fee, if any, electronically to the credit/debit/net banking account from where payment was made.
12. As a student of IGNOU, shall I get access to library facility?
The students who seek admission to a programme of the University through Online Admission System will get the same facilities as those who join the programme in off-line mode. In case you are staying in the city where your Regional Centre is located, you can make use of the library at the Regional Centre. In addition, you can also use the multimedia facility (recorded audio/ video lectures, etc.) at the Regional Centre. Your Study Centre is also equipped with library/multimedia facility. You may use the facility during the working hours of the Study Centre.
13. What is Credit System?
The University follows the ‘Credit System’ for all the programmes. Each credit in our system is equivalent to 30 hours of study comprising all learning activities (i.e. reading and comprehending the print material, listening to audio, watching video, attending counseling sessions, teleconference and writing assignment responses). Thus, a 4-credit course involves about 120 hours of study. This helps the learner to know the academic effort he/she has to put in, to successfully complete a course. Completion of an academic programme (Degree/ Diploma/ Certificate) requires successful completion of the assignments, practicals, projects and the term-end examination of each course in a programme.
14. What is the system of evaluation followed by IGNOU?
The system of evaluation in IGNOU is different from that of conventional universities. IGNOU has a multi-tier system of evaluation - self-assessment exercises within each unit of study, continuous evaluation mainly through assignments which are tutor-marked, practical assignments and seminar/workshops/extended contact programmes, term-end examination, project work, etc. The evaluation of learners depends upon various instructional activities undertaken by them. A learner has to write assignment responses compulsorily before taking term-end examination from time to time to complete an academic programme. A learner has to submit tutor marked assignments (TMA) responses to the Coordinator of the Study Centre concerned to which s/he is attached.
15. Are the Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates awarded by IGNOU recognized by UGC?
Yes recognized by UGC.
IGNOU Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates are recognized by all member universities of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and are at par with Degrees/Diplomas/ Certificates of all Indian Universities/ Institutions, as per UGC Circular letter No. F.1-52/2000(CPP-II) dated 5th May, 2004, AIU Circular No. EV/11(449/94/176915-177115 dated January 14, 1994, AICTE Circular No. AICTE/Academic/ MOU-DEC/ 2005 dated May 13, 2005 and UGC/DEB/2013 dated 14.10.2013.
16. Payment has been deducted from Credit Card/Debit Card/ my account but I have not received any confirmation. What should I do?
If the payment has been deducted but you did not get acknowledgement for the same, please email the transaction details including your name, programme opted, mobile number, amount paid etc. to the Student Support Centre at 011-29572513 or 011-29572514. You can email at, if required you may escalate and submit to our website your request at
For any further information refer to the Student Handbook and Prospectus 2024.